Sunday, 7 March 2010

Bit of a show off.

I recently found out that I have won an award of excellence from the Society for New Design. It was for the above illustration for the book review of Brian Evenson's 'Fugue State' made for the Los Angeles Times. I'd like to thank Paul Gonzales the deputy design director at the L A Times who commissioned the drawing and subsequently put it forward for the awards. Below is the rough for the image which isn't too far away from the final.


Ben Newman said...

WHOA! Congrats Nick. I would love to shower you in rewards everyday but it would just get a bit disgusting after a while.

Brian Evenson said...

Congratulations, Nick; it's a great illustration, and I'm glad to have it associated with my work.

Nick White said...

Cheers Ben! Yeah I'm glad you haven't filled the shower with rewards because it's quite small as it is and probably quite dangerous. I too would praise you no end for the sheer amount of amazing work you keep producing but you would soon get bored and just tell me to 'Shut up already!' In a fake New York accent. Probably.

Nick White said...

Thanks Brian. I'm glad you like the illustration as I'm pretty darn pleased with it myself. It was exciting to receive the book review from Paul as it was right up my street and really suited the way I work So it's good to know I did it justice.

● Sandra Dieckmann Illustration ● said...

Hey Nick!

Just browsing through your work (browse...browse...)and found this.
Congratulations! Great stuff. I really like it!

(until we meet again one day in front of cost cutters and asbestos!)
