I was asked a wee while ago to curate my own wall for the website Supermarket Sarah so I said 'Yeah, sounds swell.' As mentioned before Supermarket Sarah is an online shop whereby you create a wall in real life, take a photo of it, upload this to the internet (not real life) and you can click on the items to buy them. (I really don't need to explain this stuff to you as I know you're smarter than the average bear and know how clicking with a mouse works.)

Anyhoo. It was fun to do and I managed to get a load of great work from talented buddies like Mr Ben Newman, Signore Rico, the amigos from Nous Vous, Monsieur Sam Rees, Herr Florian Kremb, Señor Paddy Molloy and Master Tom Hicks so there's plenty of stuff to take your fancy.

As well as this hand painted plate. I think perhaps you should go there now and buy some stuff for birthday presents or something.