My agents Heart have released their very own clothing label called 'Heart Editions' where surprisingly enough, they are getting their very own artists to design tee shirts. I am one of the five artists to be in the first round of editions along with Tom Gauld, Marion Deuchars, Jason Ford and Shonagh Rae.

I have drawn a snake that looks like it's wrapped around your neck because I am clever like that. The snakes' pattern is filled with nonsensical goings on as can be seen above. Head over to the Heart store to procure your very own tee which comes with a tag signed by the artist and where my tee seems to be modeled by some bearded weirdo.

Here's another design that although was not used this time, I hope will be, in the future as there really aren't enough people wearing tank tops these days.

In other news I'll be over at the Alternative Press Fair this sunday at Conway Hall from 10-4. I have finally got round to getting my zine's 'Stuff I found' and 'Never Show Knees In Public' printed up proper so more than a couple of people at a time can buy one. The newer version of 'Never Show Knees...' also has 4 extra pages so comes in at a humongous 28 pages. I'll also be selling new tattoos, prints, cards and anything else I can find that I can sell. I am nothing but a big ol sell out. No, I'd like nothing more than to be a sell out. No, wait It would be nice to sell out, of stuff.