Thursday, 24 November 2011

V&A Friday Late and Collectionistas.

I am involved in some things this weekend that should be brills. Firstly this friday evening 25th November I will be at the V&A as part of Friday Late - No Strings. In the words of the people form the V&A who wrote this -

Friday Late No Strings explores the world of contemporary graphics, typography and illustration through the lens of independent publishing. Collate your own zine with Publish and Be Damned or illustrate a 1-page comic with Nobrow. Witness 150 pages being read aloud in the Visual Editions Mass Reading Event and enjoy talks by Simon Garfield, Elias Redstone, Tom Keeley and friends of Eye magazine. Take part in screen-printing and bookbinding workshops and enjoy the sounds and visuals of DJ/VJ combination David Wilson and Sam Potter in the Grand Entrance.

I will be there as part of Nobrow who are taking over and curating the cafe. I will be tattooing people with an image of either an Animal, Vegetable or Mineral. There looks like lots of good workshops, talks and things to look at as well as me scribbling on people's arms. It's on from 6.30pm-10pm and it's free. More info here

The second thing is Collectionistas a Risograph print exhibition at The Mill co Project on Vyner st.

The exhibition curated by Kavel Rafferty is all about collecting and I am one of 25 artists / collectors who have created an image for the exhibition. My print is called 'Things in Bottles that aren't ships' and shows the future of my current collection 'Things in bottles that aren't ships'. (Above is a crop.)

The private view is this saturday 26th Nov from 12 - 7pm, where there will be refreshments and real records played by real record collectors. The prints (printed by Hato press) will be for sale at the very reasonable price of £15 and at limited edition of 30. The Millo Co Project is Here.

Perhaps see you at one of these!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Handmade and Bound 2011

Yo! I will be sharing a stall with the stupendous Mr Sam Rees this sunday at Handmade and Bound. The book art and zine fair has moved from to the new location of St Brides near Fleet st. As the above poster says it is open 12 - 6 and should have some fine folk selling super folded-paper based artworks.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

K.K.II + Lmnop Q&A (The Alphabet post)

This saturday sees the second Kibbo Kift event held at The Victoria in Dalston in London. It is a night of musical music spoken spoken word all done by people who normally draw instead of these things. I will be playing some hastily made up songs and then watching proper bands Glow Wing and Fever Dream show me how it's meant to be done. The night is organised by the whirlwind that is Supermundane and features Will Edmonds and Nic Burrows (two thirds of Nous Vous) as well as Sarah Lippett (half of Crayon Legs) and Adrian Fleet (100% percent of Adrian Fleet). There will be a set of limited edition postcards by the performers and a badge for the first 100 hundred peoples.

More info here but not here. Do come it'll be fun.

In more work related news I did a Q & A with the fine people over at the LMNOP Shop who have a lovely shop in Brighton and great online one too. If you want to hear me chat about collecting, artists that I like and other ramblings head here but not here and definitely not here or here.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Supermarket Sarah Wall!

I was asked a wee while ago to curate my own wall for the website Supermarket Sarah so I said 'Yeah, sounds swell.' As mentioned before Supermarket Sarah is an online shop whereby you create a wall in real life, take a photo of it, upload this to the internet (not real life) and you can click on the items to buy them. (I really don't need to explain this stuff to you as I know you're smarter than the average bear and know how clicking with a mouse works.)

Anyhoo. It was fun to do and I managed to get a load of great work from talented buddies like Mr Ben Newman, Signore Rico, the amigos from Nous Vous, Monsieur Sam Rees, Herr Florian Kremb, Señor Paddy Molloy and Master Tom Hicks so there's plenty of stuff to take your fancy.

There's a whole lot of stuff to buy like prints, framed original art works, ceramics, fake tattoos, books zines. I also made some bits and bobs specifically for the wall like some screen printed tee shirts and bags.

As well as this hand painted plate. I think perhaps you should go there now and buy some stuff for birthday presents or something.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Tee Shirtsssssss and A.P.F.

My agents Heart have released their very own clothing label called 'Heart Editions' where surprisingly enough, they are getting their very own artists to design tee shirts. I am one of the five artists to be in the first round of editions along with Tom Gauld, Marion Deuchars, Jason Ford and Shonagh Rae.

I have drawn a snake that looks like it's wrapped around your neck because I am clever like that. The snakes' pattern is filled with nonsensical goings on as can be seen above. Head over to the Heart store to procure your very own tee which comes with a tag signed by the artist and where my tee seems to be modeled by some bearded weirdo.

Here's another design that although was not used this time, I hope will be, in the future as there really aren't enough people wearing tank tops these days.

In other news I'll be over at the Alternative Press Fair this sunday at Conway Hall from 10-4. I have finally got round to getting my zine's 'Stuff I found' and 'Never Show Knees In Public' printed up proper so more than a couple of people at a time can buy one. The newer version of 'Never Show Knees...' also has 4 extra pages so comes in at a humongous 28 pages. I'll also be selling new tattoos, prints, cards and anything else I can find that I can sell. I am nothing but a big ol sell out. No, I'd like nothing more than to be a sell out. No, wait It would be nice to sell out, of stuff.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


This blog seems to have turned into just one long running advertisement for events that I am taking part in. And so here I advertise that this saturday I will be taking part in KIBBO KIFT a night organised by Supermundane where people who normally draw for a living will be performing spoken word and music what they made up. I am performing with Mr Andrew Rae and Mr Owen Gildersleeve, playing a few of my songs and a few of andrew's songs while Owen makes us sound like a real band by playing the drums in a loud manner. Tickets include a free limited edition zine featuring all involved, a cd and a kibbo kift badge. More info here.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Print Okushan!

Ciara Phelan has done a good thing by creating Print Okushan, where she has gathered up lots of talented Illustrators and image makers to donate a print or two which are then auctioned off via ebay with all the monies going to the Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund. There are some great prints up for grabs by some great people like the Nous Vous guys, Jack Teagle, Eda Akaltun and Marcus Oakley for starters. I have done donated a red version of my 'Man or Monkey' screenprint and a 'Heads' poster like above. I'll chuck in some fake tattoos as well as some original heads as featured on the poster for the winning bidders. Go get bidding!

Print Okushan website.

Print Okushan Ebay.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Heavy Pencil at Pick Me Up

I’m drawing to music and also musicing* to drawing at 2 Heavy Pencil evenings at Somerset House this march as part of Pick Me Up 2011. There are some great people either drawing or making or djing or musicing. The night is organised by the formidable Mr Andrew Rae who also did the above flyer. (He is the one with the brain and glasses).

Live Art and Live Music

Thursday 17th March
James Jarvis, Will Sweeney, Andrew Rae, Jim Stoten, Luke Best, Nick White, Gavin Lucas, Chief Chuckeroo

Thursday 24th March
Jiggery Pokery, Jess Bonham, Chrissie Macdonald, Andrew Rae, Jim Stoten, Luke Best, Nick White, Chief Chuckeroo, Curly Steve, Ben Fry

At Pick Me Up at Somerset House, 6-9 PM, £7 Entry Includes Exhibition,

* What is the correct word here. Apparently Musicing is not a real word. Perhaps if I use regularly it in my day to day life it will become a real word. Like Pinocchio became a real boy.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Recent-ish Editorial pieces!

I say recent-ish as most were done at the end of last year. The top one being for the latest issue of Eye magazine, illustrating a great piece about how graphic design students should be taught information design rather than just making things look pretty. The subject is something I often think about in regards to my work as it can often feel like i am favouring 'style over content' due to my want to put pattern everywhere. But I think what I came up with shows that it's not totally one sided. The piece has been printed up nicely as it features in the 'Uncoated' section of the magazine where surprisingly the paper is uncoated. The whole issue focuses on infographics and looks great thanks to the art direction of Simon Esterson. It's worth picking up if not for my illo but for the pieces on McSweeney's and Chris Ware.

Here it is in all it's printed glory.

This piece was the for the L.A Times review of the new Salman Rushdie book 'Luka and the fire of life' which was written for his son. It deals with among other things a magic carpet, a circus, some animals, some classic video games, somebody called 'Nobodaddy' and the quest to find the fire of life as you probably guessed.

On a quite different note here is the cover I did for a watch supplement for The Spectator. T'was nice to draw with me ol' dip pen for a change.

Monday, 31 January 2011

Heavy Pencil East 2011!

Heavy Pencil East is back and I will be there drawing and not playing music. Luckily there will be plenty of good tunage from Chief Chuckeroo, Andrew Rae, Nous Vous and the famously infamous Tom and Jim (back from their world tour.) It should be a right giraffe and at the grand sum of free, it's also a bargain. All I have to do now is to think of some things to draw.

Poster by the superbrills man that is Jim Stoten. Lush.

Heavy Pencil East
Live Drawing and Live Music
with Jiggery Pokery, Nick White, Nous Vous, Jim Stoten,
Tom Richards, Andrew Rae and Chief Chuckeroo
Wednesday Feb 2nd, 8 till late, FREE ENTRY

See you there!