The talented illustrator, designer of flower patterned goodness and all round good egg Brie Harrison has curated a wall over at Supermarket Sarah and has done gone and put some of my stuff in there too. For those of you not in the know (like I was until Brie told me) Supermarket Sarah invites designers, illustrators and artists to curate a wall in her studio with anything they fancy (usually prints, clothes, items of curio) you can then buy said items by clicking on the picture. Clever huh? Yes it is. Alongside Brie's great work and some prints, cards and tattoos from me there's goodies from Jim Stoten, Luke Best, Mike Perry and Landfill to name but a few.
You should go there and buy christmas presents for your nearest and dearest . If you want to I mean.

Supermarket Sarah will be taking her wall to selfridges in the new year and will be stocking some of my fake tattoos which is nice of her. It's only a matter of time before selfridges invite me to create my own Fake Tattoo Emporium where people will come from all over the world to have my drawings stuck onto their body for huge sums of money before returning a week later saying
" My tattoo came off. Can I have my money back?" and I will say " Well, they're fake tattoos so they're only temporary. That's how they work. They are meant to come off." and they'll say " Oh, I didn't realise." and I'll say " Well perhaps I should make the 'Fake' bit on my sign a bit larger then." Perhaps.